‘Out-of-Body’ time in the OR

Customer Story

Hospital leverages surgical intelligence metrics to justify the purchase of new OR equipment

and why every hospital should measure and quantify 'out-of-body' time in the OR.

Hours Out-of-Body During Procedures
Total hospital savings
$ 0 k

When out-of-body time is too high

For this case study, we analyzed ‘out of body time’ in 649 gynecologic procedures performed at Sourasky Medical Center.

The data demonstrated a remarkably high amount of operative time spent with the camera outside the body:

  • The total time spent OOB during all 649 procedures was 35.5 hours (the equivalent of 23.5 total abdominal hysterectomies)
  • Hysteroscopic procedures had highest percentage of OOB time, with an average of 22.73% in 29 procedures.
  • Salpingo-oophorectomy procedures also saw significant OOB time, ranging from 11.3% to 15.3%.
Three gloved hands each holding a medical tool on a navy background.

The value of measuring out-of-body time is clear

Identify Source of Inefficiency

When presented with these out-of-body metrics, Sourasky Medical Center was able to identify the cause of this excessive out-of-body time: Outdated insufflating machines weren’t heating the CO2 adequately, causing increased lens fog and OOB time.

Identify Potential Revenue Loss

Visibility of OOB time allowed the hospital to identify an explicit calculation of the revenue lost: 35.5 hours of OOB time in this analysis translated into $74,760 – $427,200 in additional costs or lost revenue for the hospital.

Justify New Equipment Costs

In this scenario, the cost analysis provided a projected ROI, enabling Sourasky Medical Center to justify the purchase of new insufflation systems.

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White text reading 'theator' orbited by wavy white lines and multi-colored circles.
White text reading 'theator' orbited by wavy white lines and multi-colored circles.