Theator’s Surgical Intelligence Platform Improves Surgical Safety

Customer Story

Theator's Surgical Intelligence Platform Improves Surgical Safety


Hospitals striving to improve patient outcomes are often challenged by variability in surgical procedures and techniques. Without automated, routine capture and analysis of all surgical video, it is near impossible  to understand how or why intraoperative or postoperative complications occur.

In 2022, Sourasky Medical Center (SMC) in Tel Aviv, Israel sought to improve surgical quality in cholecystectomies—and leveraged Theator’s Surgical Intelligence Platform to do so. Theator automatically captures and analyzes all minimally invasive procedure data, making it possible to understand the why behind variability.

The Data

Theator’s Surgical Intelligence Platform surfaced low adoption overall, and wide variability between surgeons, in adoption the Critical View of Safety (CVS) during Cholecystectomy procedures. 

A department-wide, proactive quality initiative was started to increase CVS adoption. In five short months CVS adoption surged from 39.2%, propelling their departmental average to 69.2%. Interestingly, overall procedure time also decreased, by 19%. Driving standardization in surgery increased both the quality and efficiency of the procedure.


The introduction of Surgical Intelligence presented SMC with a unique opportunity to harness an untapped dataset, thus unlocking valuable and actionable insights.

This data not only provided a comprehensive view of what occurred during the procedures, but also facilitated a deeper understanding of the underlying reasons behind them and how to improve.

Theator’s Surgical Intelligence Platform surfaced the variability of evidence-based surgical best practice adoption which prompted SMC to address the situation and drive standardization across the department.

As a result, there was a significant increase in adopting CVS in cholecystectomy as a surgical best practice, showcasing Sourasky Medical Center’s unwavering dedication to enhancing quality assurance and delivering superior patient care.

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