Hospital Utilizes Intraoperative Idle Time Metrics to Improve Surgical Safety and Efficiency

Customer Stories

Hospital Utilizes Intraoperative Idle Time Metrics to Improve Surgical Safety and Efficiency

Hospital Statistics


Gynecology Surgery


Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center


Tel Aviv, Israel

hours of OOB time identified
total hospital savings
$ 0 k

The Challenge

Intraoperative idle time during a procedure is when a patient is on the operating table, but no surgery is happening. Idle time is classified as both in-body (scope is in the body but instruments are idle) and out-of-body (OOB). Before the implementation of Theator, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center couldn’t accurately and routinely measure idle time time.

The Outcome

The gynecology department at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center used Theator’s Surgical Intelligence Platform to automatically capture and analyze 649 procedures from the two primary operating rooms. The analysis surfaced 35.5 hours of OOB idle time. Clinical leadership investigated the cause, concluding outdated insufflating machines were increasing lens fog and OOB time. New insufflation system purchases were justified due to the expensive costs of an OR minute. Increasing the efficiency of gynecology procedures in these two ORs and additional revenue from freed up OR time resulted in $213,000 in hospital savings.

Three gloved hands each holding a medical tool.