How one surgeon remotely helped avoid converting a case to open

Customer Stories

How one surgeon remotely helped avoid converting a case to open

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The Challenge

Two resident physicians were performing a laparoscopic appendectomy during emergency surgery. Upon final inspection before exiting the abdominal cavity, a notable hemorrhage occurred without source identification. The residents were planning to convert to open if the bleeding couldn’t be controlled.

The Outcome

The on-call attending, Dr. Danit Dayan, was notified of the situation. Being remote, the ability to accurately assess the current circumstances and prior intraoperative events is crucial. As she was en route to the hospital, she opened Theator’s Surgical Intelligence Platform on her smartphone to view the live procedure where all steps are annotated in real-time. This enabled, Dr. Dayan to quickly navigate to the procedure steps leading up to the hemorrhage. Dr. Dayan identified the source of the bleeding and advised the residents on next steps. The bleeding was controlled prior to her arrival, enabling the residents to continue as planned and avoid converting to an open procedure.

Three gloved hands each holding a medical tool.
Wavy pastel pink, purple, yellow, and blue lines connecting circles showing stills from surgical videos.